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 P r o p e r ti e s That Perfor m
Rockefeller Groupis dedicatedto excellenceinthe built environ ment.
Overthe past five years, our develop menttea m and capital partners have co mpleted morethan
5.5 million squarefeet ofindustrial andlogistics propertythroughout Ne w Jersey and Pennsylvania with a current develop ment pipeline of morethan 6 million squarefeet.
Visit mto vie w our develop ment pipelinein NJ/PA and nationally.
Rockefeller Group Logistics Center 3 4 5, 6 0 0 S F I E a st a m pt o n, N J
N J/ P A D E V E L O P M E N T
© 2023 Rockefeller GroupInternational,Inc.

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