By Richard Lawton and New Jersey Future
As the state wrestles over a solution to address NJ Transit’s fiscal cliff, we must not lose sight of the importance of funding public transportation. For years, NJ Transit has made New Jersey a more equitable, environmentally friendly and economically competitive place to live. Our leaders must include a dedicated funding source for NJ Transit operations in the FY 2025 budget. Supporting NJ Transit ensures that hundreds of thousands of transit-dependent riders access jobs, schools and health care, which supports employers and the regional economy.
Rather than continuing to improperly divert a portion of the Clean Energy Fund to cover the agency’s operating expenses, fully funding NJ Transit will enable the agency to electrify its bus fleet, reduce emissions, and set us on the path to achieving the goals outlined in its 2024 Sustainability Plan.
As executive director of the New Jersey Sustainable Business Council, with over 600 businesses in our growing network, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the economic, environmental and social benefits NJ Transit provides to the state. Fully funding NJ Transit will ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for New Jersey’s businesses, residents and environment.