Progress, with continued uncertainty: Questions remain as affordable housing moves forward in New Jersey, stakeholders say

The state’s long-running battle over affordable housing policy is still rife with uncertainty and unanswered questions, stakeholders say, even for the roughly 200 towns that have reached settlements on how they will zone for new development.

IN THE MOMENT: AvalonBay takes home honors at NJAA awards gala

AvalonBay Communities Inc. recently took home 20 prestigious awards, including the coveted title of Property Management Company of the Year, at the New Jersey Apartment Association’s 24th annual Garden State Awards.

Watchung apartment complex sells for $90 million

A high-end apartment community in Somerset County is under new ownership, following the roughly $90 million sale of the property to a Manhattan-based operator.

Triumphant AvalonBay unveils new Princeton community

AvalonBay Communities Inc. has opened the doors to its new community in Princeton, marking the completion of one of New Jersey’s more fiercely contested redevelopment projects in recent years.