A view of the Camden waterfront — Courtesy: New Jersey Economic Development Authority
By Joshua Burd
State officials have extended the deadline for developers to submit their proposals for transforming the waterfront site of a former prison in Camden.
Interested parties now have until 2 p.m. April 12 to submit requests for qualifications for the purchase and development of an 8.75-acre site, the Economic Development Authority said Thursday. The site, which once housed Riverfront State Prison, has views of the Philadelphia skyline and will benefit from a newly established public park and roadway improvements.
The EDA has called the site “the most valuable piece of real estate” on the city’s northern waterfront, bolstered by the recent high-profile redevelopment projects such as Liberty Property Trust’s sprawling waterfront redevelopment and the opening of the Philadelphia 76ers’ new headquarters and practice facility. The authority also said the location in Camden “presents an opportunity for developers to take advantage of the highest amount of incentives,” plus property tax abatements, available through the New Jersey Economic Opportunity Act of 2013.
The sale is being done through a two-step RFQ/sealed bid process:
- Step 1: EDA will accept qualifications through April 12 at 2 p.m. Based on the criteria outlined in the RFQ, the EDA will establish a short list of eligible respondents.
- Step 2: EDA will issue a bid package to eligible respondents and accept sealed bids.
If necessary, the EDA will issue and accept best and final offers.
The final sale and development will be subject to various approvals, including a review committee designated for this purpose, the state Department of the Treasury, the EDA board and the State House Commission.
The EDA said the sale and development of the property must be consistent with the North Camden Waterfront Study Area Redevelopment Plan, which called for creating a vibrant, mixed-use district that provides new opportunities for riverfront recreation and attracts sustainable development. The plan also calls for connecting existing residential neighborhoods to the waterfront.
The former prison site accounts for roughly one third of the North Camden Waterfront Study Area. In 2006, the Delaware River Port Authority Commissioned the Riverfront State Prison Reuse Study to analyze the reuse potential of the North Camden Riverfront.
In 2010, demolition of the prison was completed, paving the way for future redevelopment.
The EDA also said the question and answer period related to the RFQ has also been extended until March 15, 2017.
For a complete list of qualification submission requirements and other information pertinent to the RFQ, visit http://www.njeda.com/bidding.