90 Woodbridge Center Drive
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Year founded: 1919
Number of attorneys: approximately 100
Number of attorneys involved in commercial real estate in New Jersey: 26
Areas of expertise in real estate: Acquisitions and Sale of Real Property, Redevelopment, Real Estate Financing, Leasing, Environmental Compliance, Brownfields Development, Land Use Approvals and Litigation, Construction, Solar Energy
As a full service law firm for national corporations, developers and investors handling development, redevelopment, construction, borrowing, leasing and management of large multifaceted projects, we integrate our redevelopment, land use, transactional and environmental experience to provide cost-effective services. We are tuned in to the economics of every project and clients’ business goals as well as the legislative and political landscape impacting the real estate community. Clients benefit from our track record of success working with governmental and regulatory agencies to obtain the incentives necessary to complete complex transactions and create beneficial public-private partnerships.
The Economic Recovery Act of 2020 creates a range of opportunities for businesses, property owners and developers throughout the State. The Act replaces incentives that expired in 2019, improving upon redevelopment gap-financing and job creation programs and adding incentives for brownfields redevelopment, historic preservation and private-public partnership with nonprofit anchor institutions. Anyone considering redevelopment projects, environmental remediation, capital investment in expansion or relocation of a business, leasing to business operations or engaging in related real estate transactions should consider the financial and competitive advantages of these programs. At Wilentz, we are thoroughly-versed under the new Act and able to provide guidance on eligibility, compliance and documentation.
The firm represented an industrial developer of over 30 million square feet in connection with its response to the highly competitive RFQ/RFP issued for the redevelopment of the former Woodbridge Development Center, an over 60-acre site in Woodbridge New Jersey. The firm worked with the client on the response to the RFP/RFQ, and then negotiated and drafted a redevelopment agreement which called for the acquisition, site preparation and transfer of an approximately 6-acre site for a new municipal school. We worked with the Township to come up with an appropriate PILOT and prepared the necessary tax abatement agreement. Obtaining site plan and subdivision approvals for the state-of-the-art 1.2M square foot $170M warehouse/logistics center involved spotting and resolving multiple issues, laying the groundwork for a smooth hearing process.